Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Remaining Unbiased

With the growth that our site has experienced over the past year, I have a feeling that some of our new visitors are wondering about why we spend so much time working so hard on this site. What are our motives? Are we trying to sell you something?

Well, yes, to some degree. We're trying to get you hooked on using our Virtual Coaching service. But that's another story.

MySkiLog has been very successful so far this summer -- recording over 5,000 sets and that number is increasing daily. This is a Free Service, and it will remain to be Free for the foreseeable future. We may impose a service fee after your ski log has a certain number of logged sets... just to cover the database space :-)

The only other thing we're trying to sell you is knowledge. From time to time, we'll feature products on the site. Our promise to you is that we'll only feature products that we truly believe in.

With sponsorships being a major concern in the industry, we want you to realize that although our contributors are sponsored by a variety of companies from within the industry, we will never let this dictate our comments. We genuinely want to see the general population get better at skiing. if you read something about Radar, Connelly, HO, D3, Goode, or any other company, you're reading the honest opinion of the skier who's writing it.

Personally, I don't have any contractual agreements with any industry companies, with the exception of Costa Del Mar Sunglasses. They've been good to me, and they make a great product.

The advice you'll read on the forum is the genuine opinion of any pro skier who's commenting on it. There isn't enough money in the industry for us to promote something that we can't ski well on.


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