Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Ski Because it is Fun

Waterskiing is one of the most challenging sports out there, that's for sure. Regardless of this BS ranking by ESPN, the sport that we crave is extremely challenging. Yea, ESPN is probably talking about riding 2 waterskis straight behind the boat. Ofcourse, that's an image problem, and also a different discussion.

Sure, riding around on 2 skis isn't that challenging, and it's sort of fun. But riding around on 1 ski, slashing turns left and right, going wicked fast and making spray? That's tons of fun. And yea, it's a bit harder.

But why do we ski? We ski because it's fun! Too often that fun is lost in the competition, the training, and the frustration that comes from not being able to run 41 off. The fact of the matter is, only 6 guys in the world have done it (Rodgers, Mapple, Beauchesne, Parrish, Degasperi, and Will Asher). So be realistic with yourself. You can bring your skiing to the next level, but it's going to take commitment to perfect practice.

You'll take some pretty big wrecks learning to run a lot of buoys. When you have enough sets under your belt, you won't fall that much. You'll ski better. And you'll have more fun.

So the path to more fun, is to ski more. Skiing is fun, so skiing more = more fun = skiing better.

But what if you just went out and skied the same turns every day, over and over again? You probably won't get that much better. Like Vince Lombardi said, "Practice doesn't make perfect - only Perfect Practice makes Perfect".

Help make your practice perfect by getting personalized, professional coaching from the best skiers in the world. The pros won't be here for ever and neither will the warm weather. Get your lesson today!


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