I'm happy to report that all systems are GO for the most highly anticipated pro water ski event that our community has seen in years: The 2010 Milwaukee Pro Event [official event title forthcoming]. Here's what Dana Reed, director of Pro Slalom Events, had to say:
The Milwaukee County Parks and Recreation has scheduled a cancer walk-a-thon in conjuction with our event on the same site with expectations of 3,000-5,000 participants. There will be lots of additional things going on during this event from show skiing, freestyle jumping, barefooting, ect. Milwaukee County wants to build this into the largest waterski event in the US and beyond. Announcements on schedule of events will be coming soon.
The dates are August 6-7 Friday and Saturday, with a Saturday nite finals
The dates are August 6-7 Friday and Saturday, with a Saturday nite finals

At this point, the event stands approximately $60,000 short in sponsorship funding. We have every hope of adding Women's Slalom and Jump to the event, but as it stands, only Men's Jump and Slalom are scheduled. If your business is interested in becoming a part of what will become a regular event during Milwaukee's Summers, please get in touch with [email protected] to learn about sponsorship opportunities.
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