By Carly CliftonYesterday was my 3 third water ski set in over a year, the water temperature was 48 degrees the air was only 55, I was in a drysuit, which I hate to wear, but was much needed. After taking a year off from water skiing, I have realized that the love for the sport has not left me, and I am still crazy about it and am willing to go out and ski in any conditions. It was sunny in the morning while we were out skiing and by 4 o'clock in the afternoon it was snowing. When we came out of the cove and onto Utah Lake to get back to the boat launch the wind had picked up to around 30 mph and there were 3 to 4 foot swells on the lake, it felt like we were on the ocean as the Malibu we were in was taking on water and we were all getting soaked, I was even a little scared we were going to capsize, it made for an adventure getting back.
Even though the weather was a little cold, and we had to drive through an ocean to get home, yesterday was an awesome day in Utah, I met up with some veteran Utah water ski club members, Mark Chilcutt and Scot Chipman who allowed me to come out and get my first set of the season. It felt so good to be back out on the water, I personally was only doing some free skiing, while Mark Chilcutt was already out running 28 off and Scot Chipman was already running 35, it really made me want to get back into the course and start running buoys again, but I also wanted to save my body, and slowly get those water ski muscles back in shape. I am looking forward to skiing again this year with some great people out here in Utah, it's going to be pretty crazy here in a few days when Im snow skiing in the morning up at Alta and water skiing in the afternoons!!! I am joining the Utah team for the Pro Ski Coach Shoot out and this Utah team is going to be pumped and ready to go for the Charleston Event at the end of the year!
Utah Ski Season Kicks Off
Sumer Shootout Championship Format
We're discussing the format for the Summer Shootout Tournament of Champions.
It will be a multiple elimination tournament, held at H2Osmosis Training Center in Charleston, SC on the weekend of September 24. The tournament will be a multiple round elimination, featuring the top 2-6 teams, dependent on how many skiers we have on each team.
When the league starts May 31, teams with less than 6 skiers will be combined so that all the teams have a minimum of 6 skiers. So Invite your Friends to Join Your Team!
The top teams will have a chance to compete for the year-end title In Person. How we work the elimination is under discussion. We'll take the top skiers from each team to the finals.
But how many rounds should there be? One qualifying, another seeded round with the whole field, and then take the top skiers from the seeded round to the finals? Do you have a better idea? Post your thoughts at the Summer Shootout Championship Tournament thread.
Aaron Larkin on MarcusBrown.Tv Monday March 15
After a week's hiatus, Monday Night will see the return of MarcusBrown.Tv.
In this weekly web show, our host Marcus Brown interviews personalities from around our sport of water skiing. Tune in every Monday Night at 9PM Eastern, 6PM Pacific throughout this spring while Marcus takes us all over the world.
This week's Guest Co-Host is Aaron Larkin, fresh off a victory at the first tournament of the year: the Moomba Masters.
Log in and watch the live video and participate in the Pro Ski Coach ChatBox.
FifteenOff TV Episode 1
Joel Hughes over at is jumping into the internet tv arena starting with this first episode of FifteenOff. I'm sure this will be another web show that will evolve as we get closer to this summer... from Joel: "That's what you get from me in the beginning of March while I'm waiting at home for these hardwood flooring guys to show up at my house."
This week there will not be a MarcusBrown.Tv Episode, as Marcus is in Australia for the Moomba Masters. We'll be updating the Moomba Masters Results as the weekend progresses... and we may have a quick video update from Marcus at some point during the weekend.